Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stitching Card

A long long.....long time back,when I was in School (I know that sounds like I am too old,but somedays when I remember my school days ,it feels like a completely different era.) our Art Teacher wanted us to try our hands on stiching on cards.At that time the only pattern we could try was cris cros stiches on a round shape (like a ball).

It was only last year I came across some sites where there were beautiful patterns of stiched cards and decided to try my hand on one.One card turned to two,three and so on.In this blog you will see many examples of this art.

The following card is the first one I made.It was for my friends Birthday.

Its really simple to make this card.Take the print of the designs and prick the pattern on the cardstock using the smallest size needle.Before making the pin pattern on the card stock do remember to put some padding below the card stock...I use a foam sheet.

Once you have the picked design using complimentary colour threads work on the design.Finally the stiched design cardstock can be glued over another complimentary colour cardstock and voila your card is ready.


  1. Hi Ms. Talented...its beautiful. I m impressed !!!!

  2. Wow..its so pretty. I want one of those for my next b'day:-)) just kidding..
